wiki markup cheatsheet

Creole Markup Extension:

Creole Markup Extension

bb code:

[b]this text is bold[/b]
[i]this text is italic[/i]
[u]this text is underlined[/u]
[s]this text is striked through[/s] [strike]and this too[/strike]
[tt]monospaced text[/tt]
[sub]subscript[/sub] [sup]superscript[/sup]
[color=blue]this text is blue[/color]
[size=+2]this text is two sizes larger than normal[/size]
[font=courier]this text is in the courier font[/font]
[quote]quoted text[/quote]
[code]preformatted monospaced text[/code] (no nesting of other bbCode!)
[center]this text is centered[/center]
[left]this (often an image) floats left[/left]
[right]this (often an image) floats right[/right]
  [*]item one
  [*]item two
:) :-) ☺
:( :-( ☹

Field List:

:author: Bob
:age: 12
:sex: boy


author: Bob

age: 12

sex: boy



This is a comment.
Comments can have
multi lines.

/* и */ должны быть первыми и единственными в строке, тоесть вот это:

/* This is not a comment */

нихрена не коментарий.

|||||Table 1                                                    |
|Measure                     |  ext2|  ext4|   xfs|  f2fs|  btrfs|
|//File Overwrite//          |      |      |      |      |       |
|Write Amplification         |  2.00|  4.00|  2.00|  2.66|  32.65|
|Space Amplification         |  1.00|  4.00|  2.00|  2.66|  31.17|
|//File Append//             |      |      |      |      |       |
|Write Amplification         |  3.00|  6.00|  2.01|  2.66|  30.85|
|Space Amplification         |  1.00|  6.00|  2.00|  2.66|  29.77|
|//File Read (cold cache)//  |      |      |      |      |       |
|Read Amplification          |  6.00|  6.00|  8.00|  9.00|  13.00|
|//File Read (warm cache)//  |      |      |      |      |       |
|Read Amplification          |  2.00|  2.00|  5.00|  3.00|   8.00|
||||||[b]Amplification for Data Operations[/b] The table shows the read, write, and space amplification incurred by different file ystems 
when reading and writing files.|
Table 1
Measure ext2ext4xfsf2fsbtrfs
File Overwrite
Write Amplification
Space Amplification
File Append
Write Amplification
Space Amplification
File Read (cold cache)
Read Amplification
File Read (warm cache)
Read Amplification
Amplification for Data Operations The table shows the read, write, and space amplification incurred by different file ystems when reading and writing files.